Department Of Periodontology and Implantology is located on 2nd floor of clinical building (Room no-7). The dental students are trained to diagnose, provide a proper treatment plan and manage periodontal disease by doing routine non-surgical procedures and preventive measures. During internship, the students are exposed to periodontal surgical procedures by assisting the faculty. Our department also has a separate library and seminar hall. The department has collaboration with Department of Biochemistry, Department of Microbiology of Al Azhar Medical College and Hospital; Department of Oral Pathology and Hematology Laboratory of Al Azhar Dental College.


To be a top tier department for scientific learning, research and a prototype in clinical practice as well as to improve the health and wellbeing of the patients.


Our mission is to provide utmost precision and compassion patient care as well as educate them about the importance of personal oral hygiene.


  1. To maintain a positive, respectful and ethical atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork among students, staffs and faculties.
  2. To provide a strong theoretical as well as practical foundation in periodontology
  3. To satisfy patients on their oral health care needs
  4. To provide a recall program among patients to monitor their oral health
  5. To conduct educational programs which will prepare the students to be a well-trained oral health care professional.

Message from the Head of Department

It is a pleasure to Head the Department of Periodontology at Al Azhar Dental College, Thodupuzha, Idukki. The department is concerned to dealing with gum diseases, implants placements, peri-implant diseases etc. The department has a team of highly experienced and motivated faculty members. All the Faculty members are well qualified and competitive enough in preparing the young minds for global competition and for their services to society.
Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to serve a variety of societal needs Department works for overall growth of students and inculcate the qualities/features that are required and acceptable by Society. Faculty/Students take initiative for Social causes at individual level and as a team under different Banners/Clubs of the Institute. Turning a student in to a good citizen is the prime aim of our department.

Members of the Faculty

Faculty Members of Department of Periodontology
Dr. Sajil John
Head of the Department and Professor
Dr. Thomas C Kappen
Dr. Mazood Ahamed
Dr. Anu Mathew
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Surya Suprabhan
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Archana V
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Anand T S
Junior Lecturer


  • Dental chairs- 34
  • Ultrasonic scalers- 34
  • Air powder polisher- 9
  • Electrocautery unit- 1
  • Instrument cleaner- 1
  • BP apparatus- 2
  • Stethoscope- 2
  • Autoclave- 2
  • Water distiller- 1
  • Computer with internet connection- 1
  • Refrigerator- 1


Services Offered
  • Periodontal screening services
  • Oral hygiene instructions via practical demonstration
  • Scaling
  • Root planning
  • Polishing
  • Gingivectomy
  • Crown lengthening
  • Splinting
  • Open flap debridement
  • Mucogingival surgeries
  • Tooth exposure for orthodontic treatments
  • Implants
  • Laser soft tissue surgeries 

Events Organized