The goal of Al- Azhar Dental College is to promote a culture of professionalism and personal responsibility, and it is expected that all students will support and adhere to these policies. All the faculties and student at the college are expected to undertake their responsibilities to maintain honesty, integrity and fairness. This includes being respectful to others, maintaining confidential information and following all the applicable rules and regulations of the college.



This code of ethics encapsulates a framework of fundamental  principles guiding the ethical behaviour of dental students. It encompasses a range of guidelines, rules, and obligations that dental students are expected to adhere to, outlining their commitments to parents, the public, the dental profession, faculty, staff, and fellow students. These principles serve as a compass, directing students towards upholding their duties with integrity and diligence, fostering a sense of responsibility and respect towards all stakeholders. In essence, this code of ethics sets the standard for the conduct and interactions that define the professional journey of dental students.


This Code of Ethical Conduct serves:

  1. Responsibility to the Patient
  2. Responsibility to the Public
  3. Responsibility to the Profession
  4. Responsibility to the Fellow Students

The undergraduate dental training program ( will be five and a half years duration including one year compulsory rotating internship. the students are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct during this period:

  • Be honest and impartial in serving patients, the public, the institution, and the profession: Always uphold honesty and fairness while interacting with patients, the public, the institution, and within the profession.

  • Strive to increase personal competence and the esteem in which the profession is held: Continuously work towards improving your skills and contributing to the positive reputation of the profession.

  • Use knowledge and skill to improve the health and well-being of patients and the public: Apply your knowledge and abilities to enhance the health and welfare of patients and the community.

  • Respect the dignity, professional status of, and professional relationships with their fellow students, faculty ,staff, and other health care providers: Show respect for the dignity and

    professional roles of peers, faculty, staff, and other healthcare providers, fostering positive professional relationships.

  • Adhere to the patient rights, including respect for patient confidentiality: Ensure that you uphold patients 'rights and maintain confidentiality in all patient-related matters.

  • Attend clinical work/appointments well-prepared, appropriately dressed, and with the necessary armamentarium: Arrive for duty fully prepared, dressed suitably, and equipped with the necessary tools.

  • Adhere to clinic and laboratory cleanliness protocols: Abide by cleanliness protocols in both clinic and laboratory settings to ensure a safe and hygienic environment.


The students are assigned with certain rules and regulations by the institution and should strictly adhere to the same.

  1. Students are refrained from indulging in any  activities that can hamper the regulations
  2. Violating the above shall invite severe punishment upon the student
  3. The students are not permitted to invite anyone to meet them without obtaining prior permission from the institution.
  4. All Educational tours  will be conducted after obtaining written consent from the parents or guardians and shall be accompanied by the faculty members
  5. Any case of criminal activity will be reported as per the law
  1. To set high standards of values , attitude , motivation , behaviour and also influence ones perception.
  2. To enable the interpretation of right and wrong and provide the ways to understand humans and organizations.
  3. To set honesty in all academic activities
  4. Encourage students to be attentive, fair and cooperative to teachers regarding academic and extracurricular activities
  1. Students are instructed to wear a white apron with the emblem of the college to express professionalism
  2. Students should strictly wear their ID card provided from the college
  3. Students are not allowed to wear jeans inside the campus
  4. Girls should put up their hairs inside the departments
  1. Mobile phones, smart watches and other gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall, labs or departments
  2. Students are supposed to switch off their mobile phone  in the lecture halls , library and clinics
  1. Student should have 80% attendance in theory and practical separately every year
  2. If the student fails to attain the above percentage he/she will not be eligible to appear for the exam
  3. Absence due to health issues must be reported with medical certificate
  1. The internal assessment examinations in theory and practical/ clinical will be held thrice in a year
  2. The student should secure at least 40% of the minimum marks in internal assessment for both theory and practical separately, the failure of attaining which will affect the eligibility.

Action will be taken against students indulged in ragging

  1. Suspension / expulsion from the institution
  2. Debarring from appearing for any examination or other evaluation process.
  3. Collective punishment if larger number of students are involved in the act of ragging
  4. An FIR will be filed in the local police station if found to  guilty

  • Students must behave in an honourable and responsible manner and maintain  the ethical standards with patients they encounter in clinical practice:

This point emphasizes the importance of upholding high ethical standards and behaving responsibly when interacting with patients during their clinical practice.

  • Treatment according to an approved and accepted plan:

Students are expected to provide treatment to patients based on plans that have been approved by their instructors or supervising faculty members. This ensures that patients receive consistent and effective care according to established protocols.

  • Proper management of records:

Students should maintain accurate and organized patient records, documenting all relevant information about the patient's treatment, progress, and any changes in their condition. This is crucial for continuity of care and for future reference.

  • Students should not prescribe medicines without supervision of the faculties

Students are advised not to prescribe medications independently. Any prescription of medications should be done under the direct

supervision and guidance of qualified faculty members to ensure patient safety and proper medical decision-making.

  • Obtaining    informed    consent    before    providing    the treatment:

Students should always obtain informed consent from patients before performing any treatment. This involves explaining the proposed treatment, potential risks, benefits, and alternative options to the patient, ensuring they have a clear understanding before proceeding.

  • Students    should    ensure    that    their    instruments    are sterilized:

Maintaining a high level of infection control is essential in clinical settings. Students are responsible for ensuring that all instruments they use are properly sterilized and disinfected to prevent the spread of infections.

  • Students should maintain personal hygiene:

Personal hygiene is crucial when working closely with patients. Students should adhere to proper hygiene practices, including wearing clean attire, washing hands regularly, and following other hygiene protocols to maintain a clean and safe environment for patients.

  • Patient should not be neglected in the clinic for any reasons:

Patients' needs and comfort should be a priority. Students must not neglect patients or delay providing care for any reason. Prompt and attentive care contributes to a positive patient experience.

  • Patient records should be kept confidential:

Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality is paramount. Students must ensure that patient records, discussions, and any other sensitive information remain confidential and are only shared with authorized individuals.

  • A  clinical log book should be maintained:

Maintaining a clinical log book helps students track their experiences, procedures performed, and cases encountered during their clinical training. It serves as a valuable tool for reflection, learning, and documentation of practical skills.


Principal holds a pivotal role in shaping the institution's vision, direction, and success. The leadership, integrity, and commitment of the principal sets the tone for the college community. This code of conduct outlines the expectations for the behaviour, leadership, and interactions within the college.

  •  Visionary Leadership

Lead with a clear vision that aligns with the mission and values of Al Azhar Dental College. Inspire and motivate faculty, staff, and students toward achieving excellence in education and professional growth.

  • Professional Excellence and Trust

Demonstrate the highest levels of professionalism, honesty, and ethical conduct in all decisions and actions. Uphold and promote the reputation of the institution by serving as a role model for the college community, demonstrating dedication, passion, and a strong work ethic.

  • Respect and Inclusivity

Treat all members of the college community with respect, fairness, and impartiality. Foster an inclusive environment that values diversity and encourages collaboration among faculty, staff, and students.

  • Effective Communication

Communicate clearly, openly, and transparently with all the stakeholders. Listen attentively to concerns, suggestions, and feedback, and respond thoughtfully and promptly.

  • Educational Excellence

Ensure the delivery of high-quality education that meets or exceeds established standards. Encourage continuous improvement in teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and research activities.

  • Staff Development

Support the professional growth and development of faculty and staff through mentorship, training, and opportunities for advancement. Recognize and celebrate their achievements and contributions.

  • Ethical Decision-Making

Make decisions guided by ethical considerations, transparency, and the best interests of the college community. Avoid conflicts



5.1.1 General responsibilities

  • Commitment to Excellence

Strive for academic excellence by maintaining high standards of teaching, research, and professional development, contributing to the college's reputation and success. Uphold the highest levels of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all interactions with students, colleagues, and the institution.

  • Respectful Communication

Foster a respectful and inclusive environment by communicating courteously and effectively with students, staff, and fellow faculty members.

  • Student-Centred Approach

Prioritize students' learning and growth, providing guidance, support, and mentorship to help them succeed academically and professionally.

  • Ethical Research Practices and Innovation

Engage in continuous research and innovation to contribute to the advancement of dental science and education, inspiring students to explore new frontiers. Conduct research with honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical guidelines, ensuring the integrity of the research process.

  • Academic Freedom

Exercise academic freedom responsibly, promoting diverse perspectives and open discussions while respecting the principles of academic integrity.

  • Confidentiality

Safeguard sensitive and confidential information related to students, research, and the institution, sharing such information only with authorized parties.

  • Collaborative Environment and Professional Development

Collaborate with colleagues to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and contribute positively to the college's academic community. Continuously update knowledge and skills to remain current in the field, thereby enriching teaching, research, and mentorship capabilities.

  • Role Modelling and Fair Evaluation

Serve as role models for students by demonstrating professionalism, commitment, and a strong work ethic. Evaluate student performance fairly and objectively, providing constructive feedback that aids in their academic and professional growth.

  • Diversity and Inclusion

Embrace diversity and inclusivity, treating all individuals with respect and ensuring a welcoming environment for students and colleagues from different backgrounds.

  • Compliance with Policies

Adhere to all college policies and guidelines, including those related to teaching, research, ethics, and conduct.

5.1.2 Leave

  1. Staff shall get casual leave, medical leave and annual leave as per Rules of the college.

  2. Leave should be prior informed with proper alternate arrangements made for class / lab/ invigilation and consent must be taken from the principal’s office.


The administrative staff play a crucial part in the institution's daily operations and success. This code of conduct outlines the expectations for their behaviour and interactions within the college community.


  1. Professionalism and Integrity: Maintain utmost professionalism, adhering to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical behaviour. Safeguard confidential information, including student records, financial data, and sensitive communications.

  2. Ethical Excellence: Treat all individuals, whether students, faculty, staff, or visitors, with respect, courtesy, and consideration. Communicate clearly, promptly, and courteously with colleagues, students, faculty, and external partners.

  3. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay updated on relevant industry trends, technologies, and best practices related to administrative roles.
  4. Conflict Resolution and Collaboration: Approach conflicts and disagreements with a solution-oriented mindset and a commitment to respectful communication.
  5. Conflict Resolution and Collaboration: Approach conflicts and disagreements with a solution-oriented mindset and a commitment to respectful communication.

  6. Resource Stewardship: Use college resources responsibly and efficiently, ensure they are directed toward enhancing the college's mission and promoting equitable allocation to support various college functions and initiatives.

  7. Ethical Financial Practices: Handle financial matters accurately, transparently, and ethically and adhere strictly to the college's financial policies and procedures.

  8. Teamwork and Positive Attitude: Contribute to a positive work environment by embracing teamwork, cooperation, and a can-do attitude.

  9. Professional Appearance: Maintain a professional appearance and demeanor that reflects the standards and values of Al Azhar Dental College.

  10. Compliance with Regulations: Adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and college policies governing administrative practices in educational institutions.




By upholding this code of conduct, the support staff can contribute significantly to the positive and ethical culture of Al Azhar Dental College.


  1. Treat all individuals with respect, courtesy, and fairness, regardless of their background, position, or status within the institution.

  2. Safeguard confidential information pertaining to students, faculty, and the institution. Do not disclose sensitive information without proper authorization.

  3. Adhere to established working hours and be punctual in reporting to work. Notify supervisors in advance if you anticipate being late or absent.

  4. Casual leaves, medical leaves, and annual leaves should be informed with proper alternate arrangements made at the department and consent must be taken from the principal’s office.

  5. Keep workspaces clean, organized, and conducive to productive work. Respect shared spaces and equipment, ensuring their proper use and care.

  6. Co-operate and fulfill the duties entrusted by the concerned departments. Demonstrate adaptability and willingness to take initiative in fulfilling your responsibilities, contributing positive to the overall functioning of the institution.

  7. Full-fledged participation at professional meetings, seminars, and symposiums organized by various departments, Principal, and management.

  8. Prioritize the safety and well-being of students, colleagues, and their selves. Follow health and safety protocols to ensure a secure working and learning environment.

  9. Maintain a professional appearance and adhere to the institution's dress code policies, ensuring that attire is appropriate for the educational and healthcare environment.

  10. Collaborate effectively with colleagues and other members of the Al Azhar Dental College community, fostering a sense of teamwork and unity.

  1. Abide by the ethical principles and show respect to all within the premises of the institution: Adhering to ethical standards is paramount. Treat all individuals within the institution with respect, regardless of their role, fostering a harmonious and inclusive environment.

  2. Be humble, and honest and ask for help from colleagues when needed: Demonstrating humility and honesty creates a supportive atmosphere. It's important to acknowledge when assistance is required and collaborate with colleagues to enhance the quality of work.

  3. Deliver patient care with utmost care irrespective of the social status, caste, creed, or religion of the patient: Providing compassionate patient care is vital, irrespective of any social factors. Uphold the principle that every patient deserves the same level of care and consideration.

  4. To maintain patient details confidentially: Safeguarding patient confidentiality is paramount. Ensure that all patient information is kept private and handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
  5. Follow college rules, policies, and ethics in patient care and follow safety and infection protocol guidelines: Adhering to institutional guidelines and policies is crucial for maintaining a safe and effective healthcare environment. Strictly following safety and infection protocols ensures patient and practitioner safety.

  6. Carry out research work with approval from the ethical committee following institutional policies: When conducting research, obtaining ethical committee approval, and adhering to institutional policies and ethical standards is imperative.

  7. Attending workshops, seminars, and social events, representing institutions must be with  prior permission from the institution head: Seeking prior permission to represent the institution at events-showcases accountability.

    By adhering to these principles, the whole college community contributes to a nurturing, respectful, and ethical environment at the institution, fostering professional growth and positive interaction among all stakeholders.