1. To implement strategies to promote clear goals, objectives, and roles within the institution. Enhance communication channels to ensure that all stakeholders understand and align with the institutional vision. Also to set clear performance goals and establish measurable performance indicators for academic and administrative functions. 

2. To identify and promote best practices within the institution, integrating them into standard operating procedures and policies. This ensures that high-quality approaches are consistently followed across all activities.

3. To develop a decision-making framework that considers all dimensions of service quality, such as efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness, and patient satisfaction. This comprehensive approach will enable informed decision making for improved institutional functioning.

4. Encourage a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the institution. Empower individuals and teams to identify and implement changes that enhance quality and efficiency. Provide support and resources for change initiatives.

5. Performance evaluation and feedback: Implement a systematic performance evaluation process for both academic and administrative staff. And to provide a constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement, while also recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance.

6. Professional development programs: Offer regular training and development opportunities for academic and administrative staff to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies

7. Effective communication and collaboration: Foster open communication channels and encourage collaboration among academic and administrative departments. This can be achieved through regular meetings, shared platforms, and cross-departmental projects, promoting a cohesive and coordinated approach to performance enhancement.

8. Continuous process improvement: Encourage staff to identify areas for improvement, streamline workflows, and implement innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

9. Supportive leadership and resources: Provide strong leadership support and allocate necessary resources to support academic and administrative performance enhancement initiatives. This includes ensuring adequate staffing, infrastructure, technology, and financial resources to facilitate continuous improvement efforts.

10. Data-driven decision making: Regularly collect and analyze performance data to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and areas requiring intervention. Stakeholder engagement and feedback: Seek input and feedback from stakeholders

By pursuing these objectives, the institution can achieve heightened clarity, focus, and quality in its functioning while nurturing a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.