13 Years
- Master of Dental Surgery from Yenepoya Dental College
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Yenepoya Dental College
I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn
Dr. Mazood Ahamed completed his graduation and post graduation from Yenepoya Dental College. He was working as Assistant professor in Century Dental College from 2010-2013. Later he worked as Assistant professor in Majamaah University at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for 8 years. Presently he is working as Associate professor at Al Azhar Dental College from March 2022. He has various national publications to his credit. He is also working as a Consultant Periodontist in various clinics.
- Prevalence of Periodontal Disease among Obese Young Adult Population in Saudi Arabia – A Cross-Sectional Study. Medicina 2020, 56, 197; doi : 10.3390/ medicina 56040197. (ISI Indexing Journal)
- Role of faculty development in improving the quality of multiple choice questions in dental education. J Dent Educ. 2019 Dec 9 DOI:10.21815/JDE.019.189.(ISI Indexing Journal)
- Eosinophilic Granuloma in Jaw Bone: A Pare Pediatric Case Report: Ethiop J Health Sci. Vol. 26, No. 5 September 2016
- Low Level Laser Therapy and Improved Wound Healing: A review: International Journal of Oral Health Medical Research: July- August 2015: Vol 2 : Issue 2
- A Comprehensive Review of LL-37 in Periodontal Disease. Journal of International Oral Health 2016; 8(1):1-6
- Unicystic ameloblastoma and its management: A Review: Journal of International Oral Health 2015;7(10):151-153.
- Advance all- ceramic restoration by CAD/CAM: A case report: journal of dental health , oral disease and diagnosis vol-1. issue 2 2014.
- Super bond in dentistry, volume 1, issue no: 4, page 15- 17, September- December 2011, CDETENT Dental Journal.
- Periodontal dressing- required or not? volume 1, issue no: 4, page 7- 10, September- December 2011, CDETENT Dental Journal.