Dr. Nishin K John
Head of the Department and Professor
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
13 Years
  • Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)from Rajah Muthiah Dental College
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from Rajiv Gandhi Dental College, Bangalore

Dr. Nishin K John is a methodical clinician and a profound academician with more than 13 years of teaching experience. He has authored several articles in national and international journals. He is a prudent and serene professor with unfeigned interest in student’s academics. He is very skilful and creative, also proven his flair for art during institutional arts fest and other events. He is the head of the institutional maintenance committee and ERP-LMS committee and also, an active member of IQAC and anti ragging cell. Being systematic and ordered, he  efficiently accomplishes every responsibilities assigned to him.

  1. A complete evaluation  of the internal  adaptation of various  lining materials  to dentin under light cure composite  restorations. A scanning  electron microscope study. J Int Oral Health2017;9:6-11.
  2. A scanning electron microscope evaluation of smear layer removal and anti microbial action of mixture of tetracycline acid and detergent, sodium hypochlorite ethylene diamine Tetra acetic acid, and chlorhexidine gluconate. An invitro study. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2018;8:62-9.
  3. Probiotics: A novel approach in dentistry. Malanadu Dental Journal 2019;8 issue1:46-9
  4. PRF: Foundation of youth in our body . Malanadu dental journal 2019;8 issue 2:27-31.
  5. Effect of Three Different Smear Layer Removal Agents on the Push-Out Bond Strength of an Endodontic Sealer: An In Vitro Study. J Res Adv Dent 2022;13(6):1-5.