My aim is to have a career with a challenging environment that will use my education and skills where I can effectively contribute to any capacity that best matches my qualifications, abilities and experiences which provides exposure to new ideas and simulate personal and professional growth. He is skilled in rotary endodontics, perforation repair, regenerative endodontics, microscopic endodontics, bleaching, esthetic laminates and veneers, apicectomy, biomimetic restorations and also passionate in guiding students.
•‘Efficacy of calcium hydroxide, Mushroom and Aloe vera as an intracanal medicament against Enterococcus faecalis – As in vitro study’: Journal of endodontology.
•Hemisection-Survival of the fittest: International journal of applied dental sciences (Ijads-2016;2(2):35-41)
•‘Bruxism- A case with direct restorative deal’: Archieves of dental and medical research(Aodmr-2016;2(3))
•‘Root canal curvatures: A literature review’: International Journal Of Contemporary Medical Research(Ijcmr-2016;2(2))